
A general deep learning project that can be easily transferred to other specific tasks.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

General Deep Learning

A general deep learning project that can be easily transferred to other specific tasks.

Basic environment:

torch and timm

Structure of the repository

  • apis/
    • builder.py: Builds datasets, dataloaders, models, optimizers, schedulers, and more.
    • evaluator.py: Evaluates metrics.
    • runner.py: Handles training, validation, and inference.
    • sampler.py: Provides samplers for balanced, distributed, and other purposes.
    • visualizer.py: Offers visualization tools such as TSNE, metrics, and more.
  • datasets/
    • custom.py: Defines custom datasets for images.
    • preprocess.py: Preprocesses input data.
  • models/
    • backbones/: Defines networks of backbones (encoders / feature extractors, etc.).
    • losses/: Defines loss functions.
    • model/: Defines complete models (e.g., classifiers), including backbones, heads, and losses.
  • utils/
    • config.py: Interprets configuration files.
    • dist.py: Implements distributed training.
    • fileio.py: Loads and dumps files (e.g., json, pickle, txt, csv).
    • logger.py: Initializes logger.
    • seed.py: Sets random seed.
    • gen_imglist.py: Generates imagelists for datasets.
  • shutdown.py: Kills processes with keywords.
  • train.py and test.py: Main files for training (validation) and inference.
  • run.sh and run_test.sh: Scripts for experiments.
  • exp_dir/: Experimental directory including configuration files, logs, checkpoints, and more.

Instruction for usage

  • Prepare dataset
      - train/
      - val/
      - test/
      - {train, val, test}_label.txt (format: relative_path label)
  • Training
    sh run.sh
    # or
    nohup sh run.sh>train.out 2>&1 &
    Training logs and checkpoints will be saved in ./exp_dir/resnet18_cifar10
  • Inference
    sh run_test.sh
    # or
    nohup sh run_test.sh>test.out 2>&1 &
    Inference logs and results will be saved in ./exp_dir/resnet18_cifar10
  • Visualization Visualize loss, accuracy, TSNE, etc.

Extensions can be added to the existing codebase as needed