
Moveflow Subscription SDK is a TypeScript SDK for interacting with Ethereum smart contracts related to subscription management. It provides a set of functions to create, manage, and retrieve subscription details. This README provides an overview of the functions and their use cases.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Moveflow Subscription SDK

Moveflow Subscription SDK is a TypeScript SDK for interacting with Ethereum smart contracts related to subscription management. It provides a set of functions to create, manage, and retrieve subscription details. This README provides an overview of the functions and their use cases.


npm install --save  moveflow-subscription/sdk
# or
yarn add  moveflow-subscription/sdk

To use this SDK in your project, you can install it via npm:


To get started, you'll need to initialize the SDK with your Ethereum provider URL and contract information. The following code snippet demonstrates how to do this:

const contractAddress = "0xbDf6Fb9AF46712ebf58B9CB0c23B4a881BF58099";
const privateKey = "your_private_key_here";
const chain = Chain.Sepolia; // Set the chain (e.g., Sepolia, Goerli)

// Step 1: Initialize an Ethereum provider
const provider = initializeProvider(chain);

// Step 2: Create a wallet with your private key and provider
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);

// Step 3: Create an instance of the smart contract
const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, SubscriptionABI, wallet);


The SDK provides several functions for managing subscriptions. Here's how to use them:

Create a Subscription

 * Create a subscription with validation checks.
 * @param {CreateSubscriptionInput} input - The input data for creating the subscription.
 * @throws {Error} Throws an error if validation checks fail or the subscription creation fails.
const createSubscription = async (input: CreateSubscriptionInput): Promise<void> => {
  // ... code ...

// Example usage:
const subscriptionData = {
  recipient: "0xRecipientAddress",
  deposit: 1, // Deposit amount in ETH
  tokenAddress: "0xTokenAddress",
  startTime: 1644043200, // Start time in Unix timestamp
  stopTime: 1646645200, // Stop time in Unix timestamp
  interval: 60, // Subscription interval in seconds
  fixedRate: 0.05, // Fixed rate as a float



input (Type: CreateSubscriptionInput): The input data for creating the subscription. Input Fields:

recipient (Type: string): The recipient's address for the subscription.

deposit (Type: number): The deposit amount for the subscription.

tokenAddress (Type: string): The address of the token for the subscription.(ERC-20)

startTime (Type: number): The start time of the subscription.

stopTime (Type: number): The stop time of the subscription.

interval (Type: number): The interval for the subscription.

fixedRate (Type: string): The fixed rate for the subscription.


This method allows you to create a subscription contract with various parameters, while performing validation checks on the input data. It ensures that the provided data is valid and that the user's balance is sufficient to create the subscription.

Deposit Funds from Sender

 * Deposit funds from the sender to a subscription.
 * @param {DepositFromSenderInput} input - The input data for depositing funds.
 * @returns {Promise<boolean>} Returns `true` if the deposit was successful.
 * @throws {Error} Throws an error if validation checks fail or the deposit operation fails.
const depositeFromSender = async (input: DepositFromSenderInput): Promise<boolean> => {
  // ... code ...

// Example usage:
const depositData = {
  subscriptionId: 1, // ID of the subscription to deposit to
  amount: 0.1, // Amount to deposit in ETH



input (Type: DepositFromSenderInput): The input data for depositing funds. Input Fields: subscriptionId (Type: number): The ID of the subscription to deposit to.

amount (Type: number): The amount to deposit to the subscription.


This method allows the sender to deposit funds to a specific subscription, performing validation checks on the subscription ID and deposit amount. It also checks if the sender's balance is sufficient for the deposit.

List Subscriptions

 * List subscriptions created by a specific sender.
 * @param {Client} client - The GraphQL client used for making queries.
 * @param {string} sender - The sender's address for which to list subscriptions.
 * @returns {Promise<GetSubscriptionsResponse>} Returns subscription data if successful.
 * @throws {Error} Throws an error if the query fails or no subscriptions are found.
const listSubscriptions = async (client: Client, sender: string): Promise<GetSubscriptionsResponse> => {
  // ... code ...

// Example usage:
const senderAddress = "0xSenderAddress";
const subscriptions = listSubscriptions(client, senderAddress);

client (Type: Client): The GraphQL client used for making queries.

sender (Type: string): The sender's address for which to list subscriptions.


This method fetches a list of subscriptions created by a specific sender, using a GraphQL client. It ensures the sender's address is valid and that subscriptions are found.

Withdraw Funds from Recipient

 * Withdraw funds from the recipient's side of the subscription.
 * @param {WithdrawFromRecipientInput} input - The input data for withdrawal.
 * @returns {Promise<boolean>} Returns `true` if the withdrawal was successful.
 * @throws {Error} Throws an error if validation checks fail or the withdrawal operation fails.
const withdrawFromRecipient = async (input: WithdrawFromRecipientInput): Promise<boolean> => {
  // ... code ...

// Example usage:
const withdrawalData = {
  subscriptionId: 1, // ID of the subscription to withdraw from
  amount: 0.05, // Amount to withdraw in ETH



input (Type: WithdrawFromRecipientInput): The input data for withdrawing funds. Input Fields:

subscriptionId (Type: number): The ID of the subscription to withdraw tokens from. amount (Type: number): The amount of tokens to withdraw.


This method initiates a withdrawal from the recipient's side of the subscription. It validates the subscription ID and withdrawal amount, ensuring they are valid and positive.

Best Practices

Ensure a reliable Ethereum provider and correct chain initialization.

Handle errors and exceptions effectively when using these methods.

Perform validation checks on input data to prevent errors.

Check return values for deposit and withdrawal methods to ensure success.

This documentation provides you with the necessary information to interact with Ethereum smart contracts for managing subscriptions effectively. Ensure that you follow best practices, conduct thorough testing, and adapt the code and guidelines to your specific project requirements.