
A tool for saving ActionKit survey results in a more queryable format.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AK Survey Results

This Python 3 script will read recent survey results from an ActionKit database and save each survey to a table where each field is a column and each action is a row, for simpler, faster querying.

Design Goals

This is designed to handle failure gracefully. If processing of a survey fails, other surveys should continue to update. If a table schema no longer matches the fields of incoming actions, the table should be updated. If the script stops running for a week and is turned back on, it should pick up where it left off and quickly catch up.


  • Python 3
  • A database with:
    • ActionKit tables (specifically core_page, core_action, and core_actionfield).
    • A table named pages with page_id, column_list, and last_refresh columns.
    • Access to create additional tables, named page_{page_id}.

ActionKit tables can be in a separate schema, but currently must be accessible within the same database connection.


Settings are fetched directly from AWS Secrets Manager using the secret name ak-survey-results.

Command line usage

Run python ak_survey_results.py --help or check settings.py.example to get command line options. Command line options override settings.py.

Amazon Lambda usage

Run cp zappa_settings.json.example zappa_settings.json and set any "[PICK-A-VALUE]" values as needed for your environment. Lambda event options override settings.py. And because Zappa can't currently configure CloudWatch to pass in event options directly, event.kwargs options also get translated to event options.


Grant necessary local PostgreSQL permissions:

  • psql -h localhost -U <superuser> -d postgres
  • GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE postgres TO postgres;

Run tests:

  • pip install -U pytest
  • pytest

To check test coverage:

  • pip install coverage
  • coverage run -m pytest -s
  • coverage report -m --include ak_survey_results.py

To check code style:

  • pip install pycodestyle
  • pycodestyle ak_survey_results.py