
Find new recipes, save your favorites, and, if all else fails, use a restaurant for back-up

Primary LanguageCSS


Brief Description

Search for new meal and cocktail recipes. Favorite the ones you love to save them for later. For those nights when it doesn’t turn out quite right or you don't want to cook, simply look up restaurants in your area.

User Story

As a user, I want to find recipes for meals and cocktails. I want to be able to save my favorites to find later. If it goes terribly wrong, I want to find a restaurant as a back-up plan.

When I search for a meal or cocktail recipe, then I am presented with a gallery of results. When I click on a recipe, it takes me to the full recipe. Recipes are presented with a favorite icon. When I click on the favorite icon, the recipe is saved to my favorites. When I go to my favorites, I can see a gallery of all of the recipes that I favorited. Then I can click on them to go to the full recipe. When I search for a restaurant type, I am presented with a list of restaurants. When I click on a restaurant, it opens a detailed description, hours, and a link to the website in a seperate page. I can also click on a favorite icon for restaurants and view a gallery of my favorites.

Technologies Used

-UIKit CSS Framework

