
a full decentralized with almost all functionality in Solidity/Brownie

Primary LanguagePython

🙃🙃🙃🙃 Disclamer : I don't suggest you to use this smart contract, It was only for me to learn more about Solidity Who the f* wrote this smart contract 😆😆😆😆

Info :

1 : for educational purposes only
2 : If you're a /solo / team / company I'm ready to work with you <3
3 : This Game NFTs are built using ERC1155 
4 : Game currency is built using erc20
5 : We suppose that the token value is 1 dollar (stable) even it has already 100m 
    total supply but just for testing there's no lending pool
    but for test it's ok let's move on ...
6 : Fully decentralized ... for randomness I use chainlink node 

-----Crypto Shinobi-----

Gameplay  `PVE` :

    Ther's 6 enemies from the `Akatsuki` each one of them has a number of `Chakra`.
    So you need to hold `Shinobis` and create a `Team` between 2 and 5 numbers. When you 
    combine your `Shinobis` power you will get `Chakra`.
    The main mission is fight the `Akatsuki` membres, every membre of them require a minimum `Chakra`, and more `Chakra` you have more chance to win.
    after the fight you need to play a litle bit of $RYO (see #What is $RYO) to villagers to fix the fight damage :).
     Ps : each one of members has different fight damage.

What you need to play ?

    - You will need to be a `Shinobi` holder (see #How to buy nft).

In game requirement :

    - You will need first to create a `Team` between 2 and 5 `Shinobis`.
        Ps : you pay to create team one team for ever.
    - You need to pay 10 dollar in $RYO token ).
    - After every fight you need to pay 1.5 dollar in $RYO

In game conditions :

    - `Shinobi` can fight only one time per 24h.
    - Every membre of the `Akatuski` has minimum requirement of `Chakra` (see #Akatsuki)

Example of gameplay :

    I have a 3 `Shinobis` ---> I will create a `Team` ---> I'll pay 10 dollars of $RYO---> now my `Team` `Chakra` is 250 ---> I'll choose `Sasori` because you can fight with him if you have `Chakra` more than 2q0 ---> `Sasori` `Chakra` is 250 so I have the chance of 80 % to win this fight ---> I fight ---> boom I get the reward ---> I pay fight damage ---> I wait 10 days to claim.

How to buy nft

- You need to open boxes and see you chance what you get 

- Ther's 3 type of boxes :

            * Common BOX 50 Dollars *

            | Rarity         | Chance        | 
            | ---------------|:-------------:|
            | Academy Student|  60 %         | 
            | Genin          |  20 %         | 
            | Chūnin         |  10 %         | 
            | Tokubetsu Jōnin|  6  %         | 
            | Jōnin          |  3  %         |   
            | Kage           |  1  %         |

            * Epic BOX 100 Dollars *

            | Rarity         | Chance        | 
            | ---------------|:-------------:|
            | Academy Student|  36 %         | 
            | Genin          |  25 %         | 
            | Chūnin         |  20 %         | 
            | Tokubetsu Jōnin|  15 %         | 
            | Jōnin          |  3  %         |   
            | Kage           |  1  %         |

            * Legendary BOX 150 Dollars *

            | Rarity         | Chance        | 
            | ---------------|:-------------:|
            | Genin          |  18 %         | 
            | Chūnin         |  40 %         | 
            | Tokubetsu Jōnin|  30 %         | 
            | Jōnin          |  8  %         |   
            | Kage           |  4  %         |


Our friend-enemies there's 6 members

| Membre         | Chakra        | Reward |  required Chakra  |fight damage|          
| ---------------|:-------------:|:------:|:-----------------:|:----------:|
| Sasori         |  250          | $10    |200                |    $1      |
| Kakuzu         |  500          | $20    |420                |    $2      |
| Deidara        |  750          | $30    |680                |    $3      |
| Hidan          |  1000         | $40    |900                |    $4      |
| Konan          |  1250         | $50    |1100               |    $5      |
| Pain           |  1500         | $60    |1300               |    $6      |


    - NFT ERC721 and the main charachter this game

            | Rarity         | Chakra        | 
            | ---------------|:-------------:|
            | Academy Student|  30 - 60      | 
            | Genin          |  60 - 100     | 
            | Chūnin         |  100 - 180    | 
            | Tokubetsu Jōnin|  180 - 300    | 
            | Jōnin          |  300 - 550    |   
            | Kage           |  800 - 1000   |

What is $RYO

$RYO is the ERC20 of the game CrytpoShinobi 
    - name : RYO
    - symbole : $RYO
    - Total supply : 100 000 000 
    - Address : coming soon

- What you can do with this token :
    - Buy Shinobi
    - Get reward from fighting Akatsuki members
    - Pay the damage of fight
    - Buy and Sell Items : comging soon
    - Buy and Sell Land : coming soon
    - Upgrade Shinobi : coming soon

    - 10 % private sale 
    - 1%  Listing Pancakeswap
    - 5 % advertising 
    - 30 $ staking reward
    - 4 % Dex liquidity
    - 15 % buy backs
    - 30 % play to earn
    - 5% To help people in ATLAS mountains

NFT Total supply :

- Total supply : unlimted
- 7 777 NFT for pre-sale :
    - Investors : 3 333 NFT for 10 days
     * Price -15 dollar for Common box.
             -15 dollar for Epic Box.
             -15 dollar for Legend Box.

    - Whitelisted : 7 777 NFt 10 days after 10 days for investors
     * Price -10 dollar for Common box.
             -10 dollar for Epic Box.
             -10 dollar for Legend Box.

- public sale :
     * price : 
        take a look #how to buy NFT

How to be an investor :

- Send 250$ to the contract to help the project. don't worry you will get it back and plus you will be able to mint the 3333 first Nfts.
- Each Investor can hold 10 Boxes max.
- You can sell your boxes when the pre-sale end and make some profit.
- After sending 250 dollar you will get it back after when the game lunched in this 
    example 5 days (5 days after deployement)
- 550 Place only :)


- coming soon

MarketPlace :

- coming soon

Next Features :

- add levling
- upgrade lvl (burn mechanism)
- staking
- upgrade chakra
- Add PvP Mode
- Add Lands (Villages)

@developers :

##### BIG IMPORTANT ######

To test timing / pricing per example 
you need to wait 25 days to do something, you can change the smart contract to be 
25 seconds and use time.sleep() before run the command.
Pricing increase or decrease the value just for test 

I use different method in testing, I test code as script.
If you want to ask about something or purpose to add something, Mowgli#7713
—scripts/test this folder contains files to test.
—scripts, contains files to interact with the smart contract if you want to ask about something Mowgli#7713

- I test every function in contract on mainnet-fork using a random number with python 
    not chainlink 
    * you can do the same if you want to test on mainnet-fork without use chainlink
    node response

—Then I changed the code to be compatible with chainlink node on rinkeby 

This is a lot of Bla bla bla but if you have a question or a place in project for me :) 
Discord : Mowgli#7713
Telegram : https://t.me/mowgli_9

Developement next Features :

- Pause / Unpause
- Upgradable
- more ...