
simple script of python for creating and deploying ERC20 Token suing solidity/brownie/OpenZepplin

Primary LanguagePython

🙃🙃🙃🙃 Disclamer : I don't suggest you to use this smart contract, It was only for me to learn more about Solidity Who the f* wrote this smart contract 😆😆😆😆

how I can create a token using this script

- it's simple all what you need to do is go to scripts 
    -> main.py and change some variable like:

    - hom_much_token_you_want_to_creat = "the total supply of the token"
    - token_name = "What you wanna called this token"
    - token symbole = "per example you cann called bitcoin => BTC or Etheruem => ETh"

Dm me in discord

if you wanna learn something or you can't understand something 
    feel free to send me in Discord : Mowgli#7713

only for educational purposes

make sure you understand the mechanism of the blockchain before
    deploy it to a mainnet network