Programming language + Framework
- Spring Boot ( Java )
- Intellij
- MongoDB : mongodbsh - MongoDB Compass
Swagger ui is used in this project for easier control of the APIs.
Rather than using Postman or Insomnia or others, you can run your
application normally in which ever port you want and go to
For this project you can use MongoDB in the cloud to configure your database, and install MongoDB Compass for UI usage. You can use the following link to create your cloud account, once done connect to and follow the configs manual to manage your first database. If you already have an account, don't forget to keep the tab open and add your current IP address.
For local installation: using docker compose, by running the following command:
docker-compose -f /PathToProject/movies/docker-compose.yml up -d
This will create and run mongodb as well as the mongodb-express which is the UI for controlling your
database at http:\\localhost:8081\
- To add new field with random generated number rounded by 10:
db.anime.aggregate([{ $set: { "animeSeason._id": {$floor: { $multiply: [ { $rand: {} }, 10 ] }}}}, {$out: "anime"}]);
- To delete the added field or cancel the past aggregation command:
db.books.aggregate([ { $unset: "copies" } ]);
- To copy value form field to another in string form:
db.anime.aggregate([{ $set: { "imdbId": { $toString: '$_id'}}}, {$out: "anime"}]);
If you wish to run this application in Docker, run the build command first
./mvnw spring-boot:build-image
and then run
docker run -p 8000:8000 mozarita/anime
To run the application's test make sure your docker desktop is open or your wsl is running your docker daemon.
If you're on linux make sure to run sudo systemctl start docker