
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Railway OG Image Generator

Deploy on Railway

Service that dynamically generates Open Graph images for Railway starters that looks something like

✨ How To Use

Use the generated image URL in the <head> of your HTML document as the og:image meta property


Whenever this image is requested (e.g. in link previews) the image will be generated on demand.

🧐 How It Works

Images are generated through the /api/image route. When you hit this route the following happens

  • Query params are parsed
  • Layout is looked up in list of layouts using the layoutName query param
  • layout.Component is rendered with all query params as config prop
  • SVG is created from the component using Satori
  • Optionally, a PNG is created from the SVG with resvg-js


This service can generate images using multiple layouts. A layout is defined as a

  • Collection of properties that are user configurable. The UI for these properties is auto genearted
  • Function that takes in layout config and returns CSS needed to render
  • A React component that takes in layout config as a prop

For example, the "Simple" layout on og.railway.app is defined as

import React from "react";
import { z } from "zod";
import { ILayout } from "./types";

const simpleLayoutConfig = z.object({
  text: z.string(),
export type SimpleLayoutConfig = z.infer<typeof simpleLayoutConfig>;

const Component: React.FC<{ config: SimpleLayoutConfig }> = ({ config }) => {
  return (
      tw="flex items-center justify-center text-center px-4 w-full h-full text-8xl text-white font-bold"
        background: "linear-gradient(to bottom right, tomato, deeppink)",

export const simpleLayout: ILayout<typeof simpleLayoutConfig> = {
  name: "simple",
  config: simpleLayoutConfig,
  properties: [
      type: "text",
      name: "text",
      default: "Hello, world!",
      placeholder: "Text to display",

This will render as

🚀 Development

You can fork this repo or deploy to Railway to make it your own, customize, and use in your own projects.

The frontend is a NextJS site and the image generation happens in an API route.

# Start local development server
yarn dev

# Build for production
yarn build

# Start in production
yarn start