
Import Jira work items to VSTS

Primary LanguageC#


What is this project?

This is a simple project to help migrate Jira tickets to VSTS as workitems. Provide a list of JQL to be sync'd to VSTS, it will automatically find the Sprints and Epics associated with the issues and sync these too. Note: Sub-tasks should be sync'd after the other issue-types are processed.


  • Visual Studio 2017
  • .NET Framework 4.7


After cloning the source and building let's leverage the command-line.

-vsts-url=[company-name] or [https://company-name.visualstudio.com]
-jira-url=[company-name] or [https://company-name.atlassian.net] 

Extra configuration via the appSettings in the app.config.

<!-- List of Jira queries to iterate and sync. Queries can be commented out. Epics are automatically identified and created -->
<add key="Jira.Queries" value="
  //project = 'projectname' and status not in (done) and type = epic and sprint is empty
  project = 'projectname' and status not in (done) and type not in (epic, subtask)
" />
<!-- Map key/value pairs from Jira to VSTS for Priority -->
<add key="Jira.Map.Priority" value="
  P1, 1
  P2, 2
  P3, 3
  P4, 4
  P5, 4
  Critical, 1
  Major, 2
  Minor, 3
  Trivial, 4
" />
<!-- Map key/value pairs from Jira to VSTS for Status -->
<add key="Jira.Map.Status" value="
  To do, New
  In Progress, Active
  Dev Complete, Active
  In Testing, Active
  Done, Resolved
" />
<!-- Map key/value pairs from Jira to VSTS for Status -->
<add key="Jira.Map.Type" value="
  Story, User Story
  Epic, Feature
  Bug, Bug
  Sub-task, Task
  Task, Task
" />
<!-- Map key/value pairs from Jira to VSTS for Users -->
<add key="Jira.Map.Users" value="
  username, email@address.com
" />