Graph Theory Scribe Notes

This repository holds the scribe notes for CSC565: Graph Theory offered at NCSU Fall 2019. They are scribed from the lectures by Don Sheehy.

How to Submit Your Scribe Notes

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Add your scribe notes to the folder for your week. Note: you may have to create the folder for yourself.
  3. When working with a group, you should all work from the forked repository.
  4. Edit them. Make them beautiful.
  5. Submit a pull request to pull your changes into the main repository.

Specific Instructions

Please be sure to do all of the following with your notes.

  • Use one file per lecture. This will mean there is more than one file per week (usually).
  • name your folder weekXX where XX is the two-digit week number.
  • name your files lecXX.tex where XX is the two-digit lecture number
  • include the macro file (macros.tex)
  • properly label your lecture (number, date, and scribe(s))
  • Thoroughly check for correct grammar and punctuation.
  • Write out quantifiers ("for all" and "there exists").


Each group is expected to upload the scribe note of the week they are responsible for by the following Monday.