
Art-Net Sender/Receiver for Arduino (Ethernet, WiFi)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Art-Net Sender/Receiver for Arduino (Ethernet, WiFi)


Breaking API changes from v0.4.0 and above


Dependent libraries removed from v0.3.0

If you have already installed this library before v0.3.0, please follow:

  • Cloned from GitHub (manually): Please install dependent libraries manually
  • Installed from library manager: re-install this library from library manager
    • Dependent libraries will be installed automatically


  • Supports following protocols:
    • ArtDmx
    • ArtNzs
    • ArtPoll/ArtPollReply
    • ArtTrigger
    • ArtSync
  • Supports multiple WiFi/Ethernet libraries
    • WiFi
    • WiFiNINA
    • WiFiS3 (Arduino Uno R4 WiFi)
    • Ethernet
    • EthernetENC
    • ETH (ESP32)
  • Supports a lot of boards which can use Ethernet or WiFi
  • Multiple receiver callbacks depending on universe
  • Mutilple destination streaming with sender
  • One-line send to desired destination
  • Flexible net/subnet/universe setting
  • Easy data forwarding to FastLED

Supported Platforms


  • ESP32
  • ESP8266
  • Raspberry Pi Pico W
  • Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2
  • Arduino Uno R4 WiFi
  • Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000
  • Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
  • Arduino MKR WiFi 1000
  • Arduino Nano 33 IoT


  • ESP32 (Ethernet and ETH)
  • ESP8266
  • Almost all platforms without WiFi
  • Any platform supported by ENC28J60 (please read following section)
Notes for ENC28J60 ethernet controller (click to expand)

When using the ENC28J60 controller

  • make sure to clone the EthernetENC library (version =< 2.0.4 doesn't support MAC address)
  • simply replace #include <Artnet.h> with #include <ArtnetEtherENC.h>


This library has following Art-Net controller options. Please use them depending on the situation.

  • ArtnetReveiver
  • ArtnetSender
  • Artnet (Integrated Sender/Receiver)

Include Artnet

Please include #include "Artnet.h first.

If you use the board which has both WiFi and Ethernet, you can't use #include <Artnet.h>. Please replace it with #include <ArtnetWiFi.h> or #include <ArtnetEther.h> depending on the interface you want to use.

// For the boards which can use ether WiFi or Ethernet
#include <Artnet.h>
// OR use WiFi on the board which can use both WiFi and Ethernet
#include <ArtnetWiFi.h>
// OR use Ethenet on the board which can use both WiFi and Ethernet
#include <ArtnetEther.h>


#include <Artnet.h>
ArtnetReceiver artnet;

void callback(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, const ArtDmxMetadata &metadata, const ArtNetRemoteInfo &remote) {
    // you can also use pre-defined callbacks

void setup() {
    // setup Ethernet/WiFi...

    artnet.begin(); // waiting for Art-Net in default port

    artnet.subscribeArtDmxUniverse(universe15bit, [&](const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, const ArtDmxMetadata &metadata, const ArtNetRemoteInfo &remote) {
        // if Artnet packet comes to this universe(0-15), this function is called

    // you can also use pre-defined callbacks
    artnet.subscribeArtDmxUniverse(net, subnet, universe, callback);

void loop() {
    artnet.parse(); // check if artnet packet has come and execute callback


#include <Artnet.h>
ArtnetSender artnet;

void setup() {
    // setup Ethernet/WiFi...


void loop() {
    // change send data as you want

    // one-line send
    artnet.sendArtDmx("", universe15bit, data_ptr, size);
    // or you can set net and subnet
    // artnet.sendArtDmx("", net, subnet, universe, data_ptr, size);

    // To use streamArtDmxTo(), you need to setArtDmxData() before streamArtDmxTo()
    artnet.setArtDmxData(data_ptr, size);
    // automatically send set data in 40fps
    artnet.streamArtDmxTo("", universe15bit);
    // or you can set net and subnet here
    // artnet.streamArtDmxTo("", net, subnet, universe);

Artnet (Integrated Sender/Receiver)

ArtNet class has ArtNetReceiver and ArtNetSender features.

#include <Artnet.h>
Artnet artnet;

void setup()
    // setup Ethernet/WiFi...

    artnet.begin(); // send to localhost and listen to default port

    artnet.subscribeArtDmxUniverse(universe, [&](const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, const ArtDmxMetadata &metadata, const ArtNetRemoteInfo &remote) {
        // if Artnet packet comes to this universe, this function is called
    artnet.subscribeArtDmx([&](const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, const ArtDmxMetadata& metadata, const ArtNetRemoteInfo& remote) {
        // if Artnet packet comes, this function is called for every universe

void loop() {
    artnet.parse(); // check if artnet packet has come and execute callback

    // change send data as you want

    artnet.send("", universe, data_ptr, size); // one-line send

    artnet.streaming_data(data_ptr, size);
    artnet.streaming("", universe); // stream in 40 fps

Artnet Receiver + FastLED

#include <Artnet.h>
ArtnetReceiver artnet;

// FastLED
#define NUM_LEDS 1
const uint8_t PIN_LED_DATA = 3;

void setup() {
    // setup Ethernet/WiFi...

    // setup FastLED
    FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, PIN_LED>(&leds, NUM_LEDS);

    // if Artnet packet comes to this universe, forward them to fastled directly
    artnet.forwardArtDmxDataToFastLED(universe, leds, NUM_LEDS);

    // this can be achieved manually as follows
    // artnet.subscribeArtDmxUniverse(universe, [](const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, const ArtDmxMetadata& metadata, const ArtNetRemoteInfo& remote)
    // {
    //     // artnet data size per packet is 512 max
    //     // so there is max 170 pixel per packet (per universe)
    //     for (size_t pixel = 0; pixel < NUM_LEDS; ++pixel)
    //     {
    //         size_t idx = pixel * 3;
    //         leds[pixel].r = data[idx + 0];
    //         leds[pixel].g = data[idx + 1];
    //         leds[pixel].b = data[idx + 2];
    //     }
    // });

void loop() {
    artnet.parse(); // check if artnet packet has come and execute callback

Other Configurations

Subscribing Callbacks with Net, Sub-Net and Universe as you like

  • The relationship of Net (0-127), Sub-Net (0-15), 4-bit Universe (0-15) and 15-bit Universe (0-32767) is universe15bit = (net << 8) | (subnet << 4) | universe4bit
  • You can subscribe ArtDmx data for Net (0-127), Sub-Net (0-15), and 4-bit Universe (0-15) like artnet.subscribeArtDmxUniverse(net, subnet, universe, callback)
  • Or you can use 15-bit Universe (0-32767) can be set lnke artnet.subscribeArtDmxUniverse(universe, callback)
  • Subscribed universes (targets of the callbacks) are automatically reflected to net_sw sub_sw sw_in in ArtPollreply

ArtPollReply Configuration

  • This library supports ArtPoll and ArtPollReply
  • ArtPoll is automatically parsed and sends ArtPollReply
  • You can configure the following information of by setArtPollReplyConfig()
  • Other settings are set automatically based on registerd callbacks
  • Please refer here for more information
struct ArtPollReplyMetadata
    uint16_t oem {0x00FF};      // OemUnknown https://github.com/tobiasebsen/ArtNode/blob/master/src/Art-NetOemCodes.h
    uint16_t esta_man {0x0000}; // ESTA manufacturer code
    uint8_t status1 {0x00};     // Unknown / Normal
    uint8_t status2 {0x08};     // sACN capable
    String short_name {"Arduino ArtNet"};
    String long_name {"Ardino ArtNet Protocol by hideakitai/ArtNet"};
    String node_report {""};


You can send/subscribe ArtTrigger using the follwing APIs. Please refer here for more information.

void sendArtTrigger(const String& ip, uint16_t oem = 0, uint8_t key = 0, uint8_t subkey = 0, const uint8_t *payload = nullptr, uint16_t size = 512);
void subscribeArtTrigger(const ArtTriggerCallback &func);
using ArtTriggerCallback = std::function<void(const ArtTriggerMetadata &metadata, const ArtNetRemoteInfo &remote)>;


You can send/subscribe ArtSync using the follwing APIs. Please refer here for more information.

void sendArtSync(const String& ip);
void subscribeArtSync(const ArtSyncCallback &func);
using ArtSyncCallback = std::function<void(const ArtNetRemoteInfo &remote)>;



// streaming artdmx packet
void setArtDmxData(const uint8_t* const data, uint16_t size);
void setArtDmxData(uint16_t ch, uint8_t data);
void streamArtDmxTo(const String& ip, uint16_t universe15bit);
void streamArtDmxTo(const String& ip, uint8_t net, uint8_t subnet, uint8_t universe);
void streamArtDmxTo(const String& ip, uint8_t net, uint8_t subnet, uint8_t universe, uint8_t physical);
// streaming artnzs packet
void setArtNzsData(const uint8_t* const data, uint16_t size);
void setArtNzsData(uint16_t ch, uint8_t data);
void streamArtNzsTo(const String& ip, uint16_t universe15bit);
void streamArtNzsTo(const String& ip, uint8_t net, uint8_t subnet, uint8_t universe);
void streamArtNzsTo(const String& ip, uint8_t net, uint8_t subnet, uint8_t universe, uint8_t start_code);
// one-line artdmx sender
void sendArtDmx(const String& ip, uint16_t universe15bit, const uint8_t* const data, uint16_t size);
void sendArtDmx(const String& ip, uint8_t net, uint8_t subnet, uint8_t universe, const uint8_t* const data, uint16_t size);
void sendArtDmx(const String& ip, uint8_t net, uint8_t subnet, uint8_t universe, uint8_t physical, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size);
// one-line artnzs sender
void sendArtNzs(const String& ip, uint16_t universe15bit, const uint8_t* const data, uint16_t size);
void sendArtNzs(const String& ip, uint8_t net, uint8_t subnet, uint8_t universe, const uint8_t* const data, uint16_t size);
void sendArtNzs(const String& ip, uint8_t net, uint8_t subnet, uint8_t universe, uint8_t start_code, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size);
// send other packets
void sendArtTrigger(const String& ip, uint16_t oem = 0, uint8_t key = 0, uint8_t subkey = 0, const uint8_t *payload = nullptr, uint16_t size = 512);
void sendArtSync(const String& ip);


using ArtDmxCallback = std::function<void(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, const ArtDmxMetadata &metadata, const ArtNetRemoteInfo &remote)>;
using ArtSyncCallback = std::function<void(const ArtNetRemoteInfo &remote)>;
using ArtTriggerCallback = std::function<void(const ArtTriggerMetadata &metadata, const RemoteInfo &remote)>;
struct ArtNetRemoteInfo
    IPAddress ip;
    uint16_t port;

struct ArtDmxMetadata
    uint8_t sequence;
    uint8_t physical;
    uint8_t net;
    uint8_t subnet;
    uint8_t universe;
OpCode parse()
// subscribe artdmx packet for specified net, subnet, and universe
void subscribeArtDmxUniverse(uint8_t net, uint8_t subnet, uint8_t universe, const ArtDmxCallback &func);
// subscribe artdmx packet for specified universe (15 bit)
void subscribeArtDmxUniverse(uint16_t universe, const ArtDmxCallback &func);
// subscribe artnzs packet for specified universe (15 bit)
auto subscribeArtNzsUniverse(uint16_t universe, const ArtNzsCallback &func);
// subscribe artdmx packet for all universes
void subscribeArtDmx(const ArtDmxCallback &func);
// subscribe other packets
void subscribeArtSync(const ArtSyncCallback &func);
void subscribeArtTrigger(const ArtTriggerCallback &func);
// unsubscribe callbacks
void unsubscribeArtDmxUniverse(uint8_t net, uint8_t subnet, uint8_t universe);
void unsubscribeArtDmxUniverse(uint16_t universe);
void unsubscribeArtDmxUniverses();
void unsubscribeArtDmx();
void unsubscribeArtNzsUniverse(uint16_t universe);
void unsubscribeArtSync();
void unsubscribeArtTrigger();
// set artdmx data to CRGB (FastLED) directly
void forwardArtDmxDataToFastLED(uint8_t net, uint8_t subnet, uint8_t universe, CRGB* leds, uint16_t num);
void forwardArtDmxDataToFastLED(uint16_t universe, CRGB* leds, uint16_t num);
// set information for artpollreply
// https://art-net.org.uk/how-it-works/discovery-packets/artpollreply/
void setArtPollReplyConfig(uint16_t oem, uint16_t esta_man, uint8_t status1, uint8_t status2, const String &short_name, const String &long_name, const String &node_report);
// others
void verbose(bool b);


Some boards without enough memory (e.g. Uno, Nano, etc.) may not be able to use integrated sender/receiver because of the lack of enough memory. Please consider to use more powerful board or to use only sender OR receiver.


Dependent Libraries

Embedded Libraries
