Welcome to comparo-ui 👋

Version Documentation

An app which makes online shopping a step easier to navigate.Going into an e-commerce website and spending hours upon hours comparing multiple different products, their prices, specifications etc... is an arduous cycle of hesitation and deliberation which we are all too familiar with. With Comparo®™ say good-bye to this hassle forever ! Comparo®™ allows you to select multiple items from every different e-commerce site, be it Amazon or Flipkart and provides you with a simple UI where you can compare all the different items in 1 place.

What it does

As you open the app, you will see the option to choose the e-commerce website you want to pick an item from. Simply input the link to the item and you now have the item, its price and all listed specifications in front of you to give the user a general idea/template, repeat this for all the items you need and enjoy your convenience e-shopping experience.

How we built it

To begin, we created a Figma prototype of how the UI would look and then began coding the app with web scraping libraries. The website is scraped for important details such as prices and specifications which are then listed on the website. We used- ReactJS, TailwindCSS, NodeJS, MongoDB

Since we split up the jobs between people, front-end and back-end are on two different repositories for now.

Challenges we ran into

We had a problem creating an API from scratch and integrating it into the project's front-end.

Accomplishments we are proud of

We are glad that we not only created a solution to the general population's everyday concerns but also worked on a platform that might assist those who are new to developing their own e-shops and are experiencing difficulties with pricing and decision-making.

What's next for Comparo

  • Mobile version of the application
  • Providing suggestions and varieties available based on the searches



npm install


npm run start

Run tests

npm run test


👤 Comparo

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