Welcome to MedTrack 👋

People these days are often struggling with large workloads and a lot of commitments resulting in very little free time. Managing a sickness on top of that is a tough task that leaves people overwhelmed.

Introducing MedTrack, your wellbeing partner. MedTrack helps you keep track of your medicine consumption easily and efficiently.

Our aim is to help people by alleviating the pressure of remembering their drug prescriptions while also alerting them about potential dilemmas with their prescription due to conflicting effects of medicines if any. With MedTrack, you can rest assured that your journey towards recovery will be smooth-sailing!

What it does

MedTrack helps you keep track of your drug prescriptions and reminds you to take them on time. Your doctor can upload your prescriptions, or you can do it yourself as well very easily, MedTrack will also inform you about going for regular health check-ups as and when necessary. If there are some drugs which have conflicting effects, MedTrack will alert you about them.

How we built it

We used React.js, Tailwind CSS, React-Router and Push Notifications to create the front-end. For the back-end, we used MongoDB, ExpressJS, and NodeJS


Challenges we ran into

Both of our Tech Leads were experienced only with front-end, and had very little experience with MongoDB, and ExpressJS. Hence, we created the back-end by reading documentations and found it hard to integrate with the front-end within the time frame.

Accomplishments we are proud of

We successfully created the front-end app, successfully integrated Auth0 API for login and user data storage. We also successfully added push notifications for medicine reminders.

What's next for MedTrack

The first step is making MedTrack into a PWA. Then we want to integrate WhatsApp API in order to send notification via WhatsApp. In the future we want to add multi-language support in order to reach a wider audience.



npm install


npm start

Run tests

npm run test



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