
Primary LanguagePureBasic

Cat vs Dog AI Detection


Welcome to the "Cat vs Dog" AI detection project! This repository contains code and a model for detecting cats and dogs using the Hugging Face dataset. The AI model is trained to distinguish between images of cats and dogs with high accuracy.

Model Description

The AI model in this project is specifically designed to classify images as either cats or dogs. Leveraging the Hugging Face dataset, the model has been trained to recognize key features that differentiate between these two popular pets.


The model is trained on the Hugging Face dataset, which provides a diverse collection of images featuring cats and dogs. This dataset serves as the foundation for training the AI model to accurately identify and classify images of cats and dogs.


Researchers, developers, and animal lovers alike can utilize this AI detection model for tasks such as image classification, object recognition, and pet identification


We would like to express our gratitude to Hugging Face for providing access to their dataset, which has been instrumental in training this cat vs dog detection AI model. Special thanks to the contributors who have made this project possible. Feel free to explore, experiment with, and contribute to this repository to enhance cat and dog detection capabilities. Enjoy detecting those adorable pets! 🐱🐶