
QFE & QNH Calculator

Primary LanguageHTML

QFE & QNH Calculator

Calculate QFE and/or QNH value from QNH and/or QFE, Altitude above sea level and Temperature (15°C is a standard temperature used in aviation).

Altitude can be automatically provided from external elevation API, like:

Latitude and longitude needed for elevation API are provided from browser geolocalization (HTTPS needed for some browsers).


Mentioned above elevation API providers can be chosen in index.html, by commenting/uncommenting desired .get(), then() lines:

                // api.open-elevation.com - can be slow, but free and accurate (~30m)
                .then(response => (app.altitude = response.data.results[0].elevation))
                // elevation-api.io - fast, but free version has very low accuraccy (5km)
                //.then(response => (app.altitude = response.data.elevations[0].elevation))
                // open.mapquestapi.com - fast, free and accurate (~30m)  - developr API key is needed (generate at https://developer.mapquest.com/)
                //.then(response => (app.altitude = response.data.elevationProfile[0].height))

note: you need developer API key from MapQuest if you want to use MapQuest Elevation API. Change YOUR_API_KEY_HERE in index.html.

Based on work by Mathias Djärv - Calculate QFE value from QNH + Altitude (https://github.com/mdjarv/qfe)