Gichogu Macharia Portfolio

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Welcome to my portfolio website, built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This portfolio showcases my skills, experience, and projects as a Data Scientist and Software Engineer. It highlights my expertise in data analysis, machine learning, and software development, as well as my passion for turning data into actionable insights and building robust software solutions.

Live Website

Visit my Portfolio


1. Home Section

  • Introduces me, Gichogu Macharia, and my journey in tech as a Data Scientist and Software Engineer.
  • Provides an overview of my technical skills and professional background.

2. Projects Section

  • Displays a collection of my key projects, providing a brief description of each and the technologies used.
  • Technologies featured in my projects include:
    • Python
    • Pandas
    • Machine Learning
    • Statistical Modeling
  • Example projects:
    • Microsoft Movie Analysis: Analyzing movie performance using Python and Pandas.
    • Movie Prediction: Building a predictive model to estimate movie success using Machine Learning techniques.
    • Kenyan Wind Farm Optimization: Optimizing wind energy production using Python and Machine Learning.

3. About Section

  • Offers more detailed information about my professional journey and the skills I have acquired over the years, such as:
    • Programming Languages: Python, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, SQL
    • Frameworks: Node.js, Django
    • Skills: Git, MySQL, Machine Learning, and Design

4. Contact Section

  • A simple and clean contact form where visitors can reach out to me regarding potential projects, collaborations, or inquiries.
  • Fields include:
    • Full Name
    • Email
    • Message

Technologies Used

  • HTML5: For structuring the content and layout of the website.
  • CSS3: Used for styling the website, ensuring a responsive and visually appealing design across devices.
  • JavaScript: For enhancing interactivity and functionality on the website.

How to Access

To explore the portfolio:

  1. Visit the live site: Gichogu Macharia Portfolio
  2. Browse through the different sections to learn about my skills, projects, and background.
  3. Use the contact form if you'd like to get in touch for collaborations or inquiries.

Future Enhancements

  • Add New Projects: Continuously update the projects section with my latest work.
  • Improve Interactivity: Add animations and dynamic elements using advanced JavaScript or React.
  • Blog Section: Add a blog page to share insights on data science, machine learning, and software development topics.