OSRS Crack The Clue Helper Scripts


Requirements: Python 3

Thought process is going along with the Fish theory, but also with a hidden anagram once the fish 'word' is removed.

I took the full lines, each line individually (left/right), as well as the transposed versions of the text.

Feel free to add words to the dictionary and take a look at what is there.

Future work would include:

  • Streamlining command-line usage
  • Adhoc dictionary additions
  • Additive removals from fish words found


Simple Caesar/Shift Cipher helper utility.

Future work would include:

  • Streamlining command-line usage
  • Include other ciphers (FISH cipher AKA UK's Enigma-like cipher engine?)

Other Utilities

World Map: https://cdn.runescape.com/assets/img/external/oldschool/2022/newsposts/2022-04-26/osrs_world_map_april19_2022.png