this is a demo!
#flex.css,轻量级移动端布局神器,让你用最快的速度,并且用最优雅的方式完成复杂的移动端布局,让你专注于编写内容呈现效果,完美兼容Android,ios,微信端。 github:
Why do you need flex.css?
In the process of Mobile Terminal Development, standard flex is not supported by all versions of all kinds of browsers, webview, and wechat which basically support -webkit-box. So flex.css's main purpose is to ensure that every attribute can be supported by standard version's flex or old-version's -webkit-box. due to autoprefixer compilation is used by flex.css,it will roll back to old-version's -webkit-box when standard flex is not supported by some browsers so the effect of layout will be the same. Then,here comes a magic effient layout tool of mobile terminal development ...