React Hooks with components of antd.
- 🏄 Easy to use. You don't need to know too much about state and change methods to use components with interaction logic.
- 💅 Easy to customize. You can easily customize the combination of components you need.
- 👯 Layered design. You can use react-hooks without ui or react-hooks with antd.
Usually, we use multiple antd components, and we organize their relationship through state and props methods like value
, onChange
Is there a way to reduce the process code and describe the relationship between multiple ui components? How can we use a way to use existing processes?
Yes,we can use react-hooks, so the relationship between multiple antd components will be in react-hooks.
This project is still under development.
$ npm install sunflower-antd --save
import { Form, Table } from 'antd';
import { useFormTable } from 'sunflower-antd';
import request from './request';
function Component({ form }) {
// return: formProps, tableProps, current, pageSize, formValues ...
const { formProps, tableProps } = useFormTable({
// form instance from props
// default page size, default: 10
defaultPageSize: 5,
// search method, params: current, pageSize, fitlers, sorter and form values(eg: username)
async search({ current, pageSize, username, email }) {
const result = await request({ current, pageSize, username, email });
// just return { dataSource, total }
return {
dataSource: result.list,
return <div>
<Form layout="inline" {...formProps}>
<Form.Item label="Username">
<Input placeholder="Username" />
<Form.Item label="Email">
<Input placeholder="Email" />
<Button onClick={() => form.resetFields()}>
<Button type="primary" htmlType="submit">
title: 'Username',
dataIndex: 'username',
key: 'username',
title: 'Email',
dataIndex: 'email',
key: 'email',
export default Form.create()(Component);
$ yarn
$ yarn bootstrap
$ yarn dev // dev
$ yarn build // build
$ yarn test // test