
Experimental GWT 2.9.0 adjustments to MrStahlfelge/gdx-backends

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Backends for libGDX, easy to build

Since we have few regular libGDX releases anymore, it is a problem to fix or extend backend behaviour that can't be overridden. While there's always a way to work around bugs in the core project, this is often not possible in the backends.

This is where this repo comes in.

If you need to change build-in behaviour, but don't manage to get the complete libGDX repo to build, don't want to build your very own version or don't want to use snapshot versions, this repo is what you need. Check my own additions to see what else is changed.

... but you're probably here for GWT 2.9.0, which is available with a backend here.

Your options for using this repo depend on whether you want to make changes to it:

How to build (I want to make changes or control the process)

  • Clone this repo
  • Checkout the revision you need (next paragraph)
  • Type gradlew install
  • Change your project's backend dependency to the one you wish

How to use as a dependency (I want to use a build without making changes)

In case you don't want to change something here yourself, but just want to use some of the additions, you can also use a Jitpack dependency. Don't forget to add Jitpack as a repo to your project:

allprojects {
    repositories {
	    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

For use with libGDX 1.9.10 core


Checkout branch release/1.910.0 of MrStahlfelge's repo to use this version, or use the following dependencies for GWT:

   implementation 'com.github.MrStahlfelge.gdx-backends:gdx-backend-gwt:1.910.0'
   implementation 'com.github.MrStahlfelge.gdx-backends:gdx-backend-gwt:1.910.0:sources'

Own additions

  • GWT: Switched to WebAudio, fixes sounds for mobiles too. Original PR by @barkholt. See current PR for more information.
  • GWT: Faster bootstrap process by lazy loading assets. See current PR for more information.
  • GWT: Fixed density problems on mobile with new config setting. See current PR


Use MrStahlfelge's repo:

  implementation 'com.github.MrStahlfelge.gdx-backends:gdx-backend-gwt:master-SNAPSHOT'
  implementation 'com.github.MrStahlfelge.gdx-backends:gdx-backend-gwt:master-SNAPSHOT:sources'

Own additions:

  • GWT: Fix for getPeriphalAvailable reporting accelerometer present on desktop. Pending PR
  • GWT: Pulled feature policy implementation by @SimonIT. Pending PR
  • GWT: GWT preferences NPE fix by @SimonIT. Pending PR


Checkout the branch master of this repo to use this version, or use the following dependencies for GWT:

  implementation 'com.github.tommyettinger.gdx-backends:gdx-backend-gwt:master-SNAPSHOT'
  implementation 'com.github.tommyettinger.gdx-backends:gdx-backend-gwt:master-SNAPSHOT:sources'

Own additions:

  • GWT: Update to GWT 2.9.0; this benefits from some changes in users' build.gradle files.

Upgrading to GWT 2.9.0 needs a few changes if you want to take full advantage of the new Java 11 features it permits.

  • Change language level to 11 in core, html, and anywhere else that you want to use features like var: where sourceCompatibility is set in build.gradle files, change it to sourceCompatibility = 11
  • Change GWT's source level to 11 as a special requirement: inside the gwt block in the html/build.gradle file, add this line after the compiler settings: sourceLevel = 11
  • Make sure your Gradle or IDE settings are configured to use JDK 11 or newer. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of OpenJDK distributions have bugs that affect some part of libGDX; using AdoptOpenJDK builds is strongly recommended. If you use some other type of JDK and encounter any weird crashes inside the JDK itself (such as crashes that mention ld.so), try AdoptOpenJDK first. Note that desktop projects run with Java 9 or higher will always display a warning (not an error) starting with WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred when you run them; this warning is harmless. Immediately after the illegal access warning, sometimes actual errors are displayed without any break; this can be quite confusing. The illegal access warning doesn't seem to happen with LWJGL3 projects.
  • The version for your GWT Gradle plugin may or may not matter, but so far this has been tested only on the most recent version, org.wisepersist:gwt-gradle-plugin:1.0.13 ; gdx-liftoff stores the plugin version in gwtPluginVersion in gradle.properties, so you can change it there to 1.0.13 if you use that project generator.

Future work


  • Move resizable browser window support into the backend, no template hassle any more
  • Electron extensions