Primary LanguageC#

PowerShell Runner

The .NET assembly allows to execute powershell commands from an unmanaged namespace. It also allows to import powershell scripts. Command syntax for running powershell: PS.exe <base64 encoded command> Command syntax for importing a module: PS.exe loadmodule<base64 encoded script>

The code was obtained by reversing PS.exe original binary created for the PoshC2 framework here https://github.com/nettitude/PoshC2/blob/master/resources/modules/PS.exe.

Using it with Sliver C2

Once compiled you can use it inside sliver c2 using this branch of the framework https://github.com/MrAle98/sliver/tree/feat/powershell. Convert PS.exe to a go slice of bytes and store it inside sliver/client/command/powershell/PS.go in place of the PSRunner variable.

Test the powershell and powershell-import commands.