
DNSPro - Smart DNS Proxy

Primary LanguageShell

DNSPro - Smart DNS Proxy

This script is for bypassing some restrictions that reduce the need for VPN

How to install script

wget -O dns-installer.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrAriaNet/DNSPro-SmartDNSProxy/main/dns-installer.sh
chmod +x dns-installer.sh
sh dns-installer.sh

How to use script

After installing the script, you need to raw the configuration file of the NGINX web server and put the settings file in the following address.


Then create an sniproxy.conf file in path /etc/dnsmasq.d/ and enter the desired site address with the IP server


Save your changes and restart the required services for the changes to take effect.

systemctl restart sniproxy
systemctl restart dnsmasq
systemctl restart nginx


Sometimes your server may not respond properly, You will need to restart the service to resolve this issue.

