- 3eifGoogle
- Acholaxis
- akf-shAKF Strategic Solutions
- BadSpencer
- charfwehSomewhere out of nowhere
- devlovesArcane Studios
- DieselGamingEngland
- EkamAujla
- Galaxy-CodingUnited States
- GourouLubrik
- Hadi-koubeissiMy Home xD
- hng12
- ind-igo
- InsiderJanggoAlone
- jnaraujoBahia, Brazil
- julianYamanGeberit Verwaltungs GmbH
- Kira-stuff
- macxbPlanet Earth I think
- max-xooProvence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
- Mr-KayJayDeeXnko
- MrFluffycloudUp in the Skys
- Myst82015Germany
- nasapunk88
- NeonCoding
- Nico105@teampassione
- Pajsen9263NaN
- py7honBekasi, Indonesia
- Scripted3D
- SimonLeclereINSA Centre-Val-de-Loire
- SkyDonaldFrance
- Sxpherrdabot
- tbnritzdoge
- techbrogx@Cytro-discord
- ToledoSDLE-Way Sistemas e Desenvolvimento
- visiongiedoksandokuz
- yasind1992