COVID-19 Analysis for the City of Toronto

This repository holds data files, scripts, and other material used to teach database operations by analyzing COVID-19 data from the City of Toronto.

This was updated on February 16th, 2022 with the latest data from the City of Toronto Open Data website.


To use this project, you must have sqlite3 installed. This is available from almost all distro's repos. Run sqlite3 toronto-covid19.db and then issue .read make-database.sql. This will take at least 5-10 seconds, depending on the speed of your CPU & disk.


To query, for example, all cases in the postal code 'M1L', issue SELECT * FROM Covid WHERE geocode LIKE 'M1L';

The real power of having this data in a SQLite database is connecting it to other software that can analyze & visualize the data in a meaningful way.

Table census

Field Type Units Key? Null? Meaning
geocode text - true false Postal code prefix
region text enum false false Province/territory name
population integer >= 0 false false Head count
dwellings integer >= 0 false false Homes
occupied integer >= 0 false false Occupied by residents

Table covid

Field Type Units Key? Null? Meaning
event_id integer - true false unique event ID
outbreak_associated text enum false false associated with larger outbreak
age_group text enum false false patient age group
neighborhood text enum false false neighborhood name
geocode text - false false foreign key to geocode in census
source text enum false false source of infection
classification text enum false false classification of infection
episode_date date date false false when infected
reported_date date date false false when reported
gender text enum false false patient gender
outcome text enum false false result at time of report
hospitalized_current boolean 0/1 false false in hospital at time of report
icu_current boolean 0/1 false false in ICU at time of report
intubated_current boolean 0/1 false false intubated at time of report
hospitalized_ever boolean 0/1 false false ever in hospital
icu_ever boolean 0/1 false false ever in ICU
intubated_ever boolean 0/1 false false ever intubated