
Simple Python Script Using AES-256 To Encrypt And Decrypt Text

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple Python Script Using AES-256 To Encrypt And Decrypt Text


  1. Requirements
  2. Arguments
  3. Usage Examples


If you download an exe from the releases you do not need to worry about requirements!

pip install cryptography



-h, --help Shows the help message.

-e, --encrypt Encrypt the string.

-d, --decrypt Decrypt the string.

-s STRING, --string STRING Input a string to be encrypted or decrypted.

-f FILE, --file FILE Input a file path to be encrypted or decrypted.


Encrypt String:

It may break sometimes if '\' is used but if it is done via a file it will work fine

python AES-256.py -e -s "Test"

Decrypt String:

If you try to decrypt a string that is not encrypted it will cause an error!

python AES-256.py -d -s "<Encrypted String>"

Encrypt File:

You can use a path to any file it should work with all file extensions.

python AES-256.py -e -f "test.txt"

Decrypt File:

If you try to decrypt a file that is not encrypted it will cause an error!

python AES-256.py -d -f "test.txt"