
BST-Trackers, the open-source tracking software for Express.JS, take what you want!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



  • Open source tracker
  • Free to use (MIT License)
  • Take what you want
  • Contribute if you feel like it

BST-Tracker is an open-source modular tracker that allows you to track users on your website by seeing actions they take on your website. You can easily customise it and edit everything, allows you to see currently active tracking sessions including currently online users, allows you to click on a tracking session to see every single action they have taken and also terminate the tracking session to start over. Settings are included, all be-it a little buggy.



  • Built in trackers.js file.
  • Comes ready-to-use.
  • Full dashboard
  • Customisable


To deploy this project follow these steps

  • Download repositiory
  • Run npm install to install of the dependencies
  • Add tracking_ids.json file with the content of {}
  • Add statistics.json file with the content of {}
  • Run this:
  node .
  • Now visit localhost (localhost:80) to see it!

/dashboard/ is the dashboard link.

API Reference

GET | Get all sessions

  GET /data

Returns all sessions in an object form.

GET | Get specific session

  GET /data/s/${id}
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of session to fetch

POST | Send tracking data

  POST /tracking_data

Send JSON tracking data from tracking.js via body of POST request.

GET | Get config

  GET /config

Gets the config.

POST | Set config

  POST /config

Sets the config. Send JSON config data via body of POST request.



Platform.js is from here: https://github.com/bestiejs/platform.js/

Used By

This project is used by the following websites/companies/people:

For obfuscating use https://www.obfuscator.io/ on high options preset

For mininfying use https://minify-js.com/