~ dotnet-local-info -h
Usage: dotnet-local-info [command] [options]
--version Show version information.
-?|-h|--help Show help information.
special-folders Show .NET Special Folders Path
Run 'dotnet-local-info [command] -?|-h|--help' for more information about a command.
Command line utils to retrieve .NET local info
Retrieve the value of special forlders path:
~ dotnet-local-info special-folders -h
Show .NET Special Folders Path
Usage: dotnet-local-info special-folders [options]
-f|--filter <REGEX> Filter special folder names
--all Show all special folders including those without a value
--name <SPECIAL_FOLDER_NAME> Retrieve the value of the special folder name
-?|-h|--help Show help information.
Enumerates the actual values of the Environment.SpecialFolder Enum
~ dotnet-local-info special-folders
Desktop: /Users/gc/Desktop
MyDocuments: /Users/gc
MyDocuments: /Users/gc
Favorites: /Users/gc/Library/Favorites
MyMusic: /Users/gc/Music
DesktopDirectory: /Users/gc/Desktop
Fonts: /Users/gc/Library/Fonts
ApplicationData: /Users/gc/.config
LocalApplicationData: /Users/gc/.local/share
InternetCache: /Users/gc/Library/Caches
CommonApplicationData: /usr/share
System: /System
ProgramFiles: /Applications
MyPictures: /Users/gc/Pictures
UserProfile: /Users/gc
~ dotnet-local-info special-folders --name Desktop