UI API for the game project zomboid

Primary LanguageLua

PZ-Simple UI library

Want to make a simple menu for your mod to :

  • Ask the player to choose between two things?
  • Ask the player a nickname, age, height, weight, etc ?
  • Display a map ?
  • Display player-related information from your mod such as amount of money, time on server, etc ?
  • Warn players the start of an event ?
  • Make a job board systeme ?
  • And more ?

This mod is for you !

My mod is only an overlay of what the base game does to simplify placement, initializations and get the most useful functions of UIs.
This means that all elements are vanilla elements. So for example, buttons has access to all functions of ISButton and ISUIElement.
The windows itself is a derivate of ISCollapsableWindow.
It means you can add whatever you want to my UI like for the vanilla game if you want something specific. Here is a guide to understanding the basics of how the game does UIs. You can also copy an ISSimpleElement.lua to make a custom one.
Found all vanilla files in media/lua/client/ISUI of the game folder.
Note, an UI is the whole (window + elements) and the window is just the window object, without the elements.

Make my first window

A window created with my mod is composed of lines. On each line, there are elements. Elements are anything that can be in a UI like text or a button.

Step by step:

  1. Create a new UI with the NewUI() function. Here you have a window without elements.
  2. Add elements to the line. You can add as many elements as you want per line, the mod will take care of sizing them.
  3. Jump to the next line. When you added your elements, you jump to the next line with the function ui:nextLine().
  4. Repet 2.
  5. Once all line create, you just call ui:saveLayout() to finish creating the ui.

All useable function of UI here.
All elements here.
List of usefull vanilla function here.

As in the following diagram: alt text

I highly recommend doing the UIs in event OnCreateUI but you can do it anywhere.

Understand coordinates

  • Menus are in 2d.
  • Dimensions of 2d object are its position in x and y as well as its size in width and height.
  • x and y are coordinates of the left top corner.
  • Positions and sizes are in percentage of screen or in pixel.

Percent is to simplify and allow compatibility between different screen sizes. For example a width of 0.2 will take 20% of the screen.
alt text

You can also try to make your UI from scratch, I made a guide to understand the base.


Hello world

alt text

local function onCreateUI()
    local UI = NewUI();
    UI:addText("", "Hello world", "Small", "Center")



alt text

See code
local UI
local text1 = "<H1> The longest night <BR> <SIZE:small> In this mission, you gonna need to survivre all night. <BR> <LEFT> Reward: <LINE> - M14 <LINE> - 20 ammo <BR> Failure Conditions: <LINE> -Death"

local function choose(button, args)

local function onCreateUI()
    UI = NewUI();

    UI:addRichText("rtext", text1); 

    UI:addText("t1", "Accept ?", _, "Center");

    UI:addButton("b1", "Yes", choose);
    UI:addButton("b2", "No", choose);

    UI["b1"]:addArg("choice", "yes");
    UI["b2"]:addArg("choice", "no");



Choose your team

alt text

See code
local UI

local text1 = "Players: <LINE> - MrBounty <LINE> - Dane <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx"
local text2 = "Players: <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx <LINE> - xx"

local function choose(button, args)
    getPlayer():Say("I'm in the " .. args.team .. " team now !");
local function onCreateUI()
    UI = NewUI();
    UI:addText("", "Choose your team", "Large", "Center");

    UI:addRichText("", text1);
    UI:addRichText("", text2);

    UI:addText("t1", "11/12", _, "Center");
    UI:addText("t2", "9/12", _, "Center");
    UI["t1"]:setColor(1, 0, 0, 1);
    UI["t2"]:setColor(1, 1, 0, 0);
    UI:addButton("b1", "Blue", choose);
    UI:addButton("b2", "Red", choose);
    UI["b1"]:addArg("team", "blue");
    UI["b2"]:addArg("team", "red");


Choose a job

alt text

See code
local UI
local jobSelect = "";

-- Text for the rich text element
local text1 = "<H1> Your a policeman ! <LINE> <SIZE:small> You are here to protect people ! <LINE> <SIZE:small> <LEFT> You can: <LINE> - Do that <LINE> - And that <LINE> - And a lot more"
local text2 = "<H1> Your an engineer ! <LINE> <SIZE:small> You are here to create thing ! <LINE> <SIZE:small> <LEFT> You can: <LINE> - Do that <LINE> - And that <LINE> - And a lot more"
local text3 = "<H1> Your a doctor ! <LINE> <SIZE:small> You are here to help people ! <LINE> <SIZE:small> <LEFT> You can: <LINE> - Do that <LINE> - And that <LINE> - And a lot more"
local text4 = "<H1> Your nothing ! <LINE> <SIZE:small> You are here to die ! <LINE> <SIZE:small> <LEFT> You can: <LINE> - Do that <LINE> - And that <LINE> - And a lot more"
local texts = {text1, text2, text3, text4}

local jobs = {"Policeman", "Engineer", "Doctor", "Nothing"}

-- Functions for buttons
local function press(button, args)
    jobSelect = jobs[args.index]
    getPlayer():Say("I selected " .. jobSelect);

local function ok()
    getPlayer():Say("I'm a " .. jobSelect .. " now !");

-- Create the UI
local function onCreateUI()
    UI = NewUI(0.15);

    -- Add window title
    UI:addText("title1", "Choose you job !", "Title", "Center");

    -- Add job description
    UI:addRichText("rtext", text1);               

    -- Add buttons
    UI:addButton("button1", jobs[1], press);
    UI:addButton("button2", jobs[2], press);
    UI:addButton("button3", jobs[3], press);
    UI:addButton("button4", jobs[4], press);
    UI["button1"]:addArg("index", 1);
    UI["button2"]:addArg("index", 2);
    UI["button3"]:addArg("index", 3);
    UI["button4"]:addArg("index", 4);

    UI:addButton("", "Button", ok);

    -- Save window


Job list

Example with 2 UI
alt text

See code
local listUI, descUI
local text1 = "<H1> The longest night <BR> <SIZE:small> In this mission, you gonna need to survivre all night. <BR> <LEFT> Reward: <LINE> - M14 <LINE> - 20 ammo <BR> Failure Conditions: <LINE> -Death"
local text2 = "<H1> I need medical supply ! <BR> <SIZE:small> Please someone come to xx to help me ! I need a doctor or I'm gonna die. <BR> <LEFT> Reward: <LINE> - Everything I have"
local text3 = "<H1> Help me clean my neighborhood <BR> <SIZE:small> I need someone to help me fight a group of zombie near xx, there is around xx of them and I don't want to do it alone. <BR> <LEFT> Reward: <LINE> - 100$"
local text4 = "<H1> Looking for seed <BR> <SIZE:small> I'm looking for seed, every type of seed. I can pay or exchange. Contact me on my public frequencies xx.x."
local items = {};
items["EVENT - The longest night"] = text1;
items["URGENT - Medical delivery"] = text2;
items["Help me clean my neighborhood"] = text3;
items["Looking for seed"] = text4;
items["item5"] = "";
items["item6"] = "";
items["item7"] = "";
items["item8"] = "";
items["item9"] = "";
items["item10"] = "";
items["item11"] = "";

local function choose(button, args)
    getPlayer():Say("I accepted this mission !");

local function openJobDesc(_, item)
    descUI:setPositionPixel(listUI:getX() + listUI:getWidth(), listUI:getY());
local function onCreateUI()
    -- List UI
    listUI = NewUI(); -- Create UI
    listUI:setTitle("Job board");

    listUI:addScrollList("list", items); -- Create list
    listUI["list"]:setOnMouseDownFunction(_, openJobDesc)

    listUI:saveLayout(); -- Create window

    -- Description UI
    descUI = NewUI();
    descUI:setTitle("Job desc");

    descUI:addEmpty(_, _, _, 10); -- Margin only for rich text
    descUI:addRichText("rtext", ""); 
    descUI:addEmpty(_, _, _, 10); -- Margin only for rich text

    descUI:addButton("b1", "Accept ?", choose);

