
Phonebook application created using python 3

Primary LanguagePython


Phonebook app created using Python 3, the tkinter library, and SQLite.

  • The program displays a menu and gives you the following options:

    • Look up a phone number
    • Add an entry
    • List all entries
    • Edit Entry
    • Delete Entry
    • Quit
  • When you add an entry it gets added to a SQLite database

  • When you lookup and entry it gets the entry details from a SQLite database

  • When you view all entries it gets them from a SQLite database

  • Editing of entered SQLite database

  • Delete an existing entry from SQLite database

  • In the GUI version program displays a menu and gives you the following options:

    • Add an entry
    • List all entries
    • Edit Entry
    • Delete Entry
    • Quit
  • When you add an entry it gets added to a SQLite database

  • When you view all entries it gets them from a SQLite database

  • Editing of entered SQLite database

  • Delete an existing entry from SQLite database

git clone https://github.com/MrBrok824/python-phonebook.git
cd python-phonebook
python3 no_gui_phonebook.py


python3 phonebook.py

GNU/Linux Sticker Python Sticker