
Personal Desktop app built with Electron and NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

CalenTron is an Electron App used as a dashboard for my personal use.


The backend is a nodejs simple app.

It handles the login via JWT access tokens and a SQLite database to store the user. The user's passwords are bcrypt'ed and stored in database.

The main job of this API is to offer a wrapper around multiples API's which I use for my widgets.


The front end is an Electron App. Currently, Electron's part is really small, but it will soon manage notifications with a link between Electron and Angular.

The front is written in AngularJS, with a huge use of directive (one for each widget) and Angular Routing for authentication.

Currently the widgets are:

  • Clock Widget
  • Weather Widget
  • Ping widget with graph on a website
  • TODO list
  • Transport widget with the next tramways and subways in my home's direction
  • Last Cyanide and Happiness comic