PC Presenter


  • Me
  • Myself
  • I

Thanks, group 11 members. You were real helpful.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



Show off your computer builds of all sorts to the world. Include component lists and any notes about special customizations. Backed by Parse.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • User can sign up and log in to / log out from the service
  • User can create a listing detailing parts used in their personal computer ("Rig") and upload it
    • User can give a name to each Rig
    • User can add a photo (new or from a file) and explanatory notes
  • User can browse the server's list of Rigs by their photos

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • User can access a webpage to buy specific parts they see (from Amazon, etc.)
  • User can see all of a specific user's Rigs, including their own
  • User can attach benchmark scores to each Rig to indicate expected performance
  • User can update this listing later if it changes or delete it

2. Screen Archetypes

  • The Feed
    • Browse recently added rig photos from everyone OR a specific user
  • The Detail
    • See all the added details of a rig
  • The Creation screen
    • Fill out details of your new rig, add a photo, and submit
  • The Profile screen
    • Manage login/logout, profile picture

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Feed (everyone)
  • Creation
  • Profile

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Feed (everyone)
    • Click a rig's photo to go to its detail
    • Click a username of profile picture to go to feed of their builds
  • Feed (specific user)
    • Same for getting to build detail
    • Clicking a username does nothing
    • feed navigation button goes back to general feed
  • Detail
    • Back goes to preceding feed screen
  • Creation
    • only navigation button goes anywhere
  • Profile
    • successful login/logout switches state of this screen
    • only navigation button goes anywhere

Walkthroughs / Progress

Build 2

Build 1



Rig - Includes required fields (cpu, photo, etc.) and variable optional key-value fields (special notes, specific benchmark scores, etc.)


  • Backed by Parse:
    • Uses a Parse Rig class to store relevant information
    • Uses the Parse User class to store users' authentication