
This is CUDA Advanced Libraries

Primary LanguagePython

CUDA Edge Detection Project

This project performs edge detection on black and white images using CUDA and Python. It uses the Sobel filter to detect edges efficiently on the GPU.

Project Structure

  • bin/: Contains compiled binaries and executables.
  • data/: Contains input .tiff images and output .png images.
  • lib/: Contains additional libraries.
  • src/: Contains the source code for edge detection and utility functions.
  • README.md: Provides an overview of the project.
  • INSTALL: Contains installation instructions.
  • Makefile: Provides build automation.
  • run.sh: Script to execute the edge detection.


  1. Place your input .tiff images in the data/input/ directory.
  2. Run ./run.sh to execute the edge detection.
  3. The output images will be saved in the data/output/ directory.


  • Python 3.x
  • PyCUDA
  • OpenCV
  • NumPy