
This project is created by following the steps of the YouTuber "Les Jackson" step by step (but ofcourse with a little touch of my own programming style).

Primary LanguageC#

.NET Core MVC 3.1 YouTube Tutorial

This project is created by following the course of the YouTuber "Les Jackson" step by step (but surely with a little touch of my own programming style).


You can find a full-course introduction to .NET Core's MVC REST API on the following URL. The tutorial is given by the YouTuber "Les Jackson" and is (in my opinion) made for people with none- to a little understanding to REST since everything is being thoroughly explained.

Project description

The idea behind this application is to hold a table in our SQL Server Database which contains all the available .NET commands together with their explanation. As mentioned, this project uses a Microsoft SQL Server Database to store everything in, which brings me to the following requirements.


You need the following assets:

  • Sql Server

    • It is also possible to manually swap the database to one you prefer, e.g. H2/Memory Database. These changes should happen in the Startup.cs- and Commander.csproj-files. (Adding them through the NuGet Package Manager)
      Note: when swapping out the databases, do not forget to take out SqlServer's package reference out of Commander.csproj.

  • Dotnet (including its command tools)

    • E.g. dotnet ef migrations add [Name]
    • You can install it with the following command: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef.
  • A Sql Server user with sysadmin permissions with the following credentials

    • Username: CommanderAPI
    • Password: password
    • When creating a user with different credentials, do not forget to swap out the connection string inside appsettings.json.

  • An IDE of your choice

    • Recommended: Visual Studio 2019 (latest version)
    • Optional: Visual Studio Code with the following extensions
  • The CommanderDB database which can be created by entering the following command inside the terminal of this project:

    • dotnet ef database update
    • This command will automatically create the database for you due to an already existing migration. If you change or add models/properties, these changes should be applied with the following command: dotnet ef migrations add [ShortDescriptionOfTheChanges], followed with the command above.

Run project

This project will run on the localhost on ports 5000 (HTTP) and 5001 (HTTPS). These can of course be changed inside the launchSettings.sjon-file.

You can start this project by pressing the green play-button on Visual Studio, using F5 (Debugging) or CTRL+F5 (/w Debugging).

In an IDE like VSCode you can run this project by entering the following command inside the terminal: dotnet run.


All credits go to the maker of this tutorial as I am just a student replicating his code / following his course to expand my skills.

Les Jacksons's GitHub and YouTube channel