
Custom Plugin for WooCommerce Easy Inventory Management and Advanced Reports

Woocommerce Inventory Management and Advanced Reports

PHP Code For Woocommerce Product Stock/Price Management and Advanced Reports

Current Features:

  • Change Stock
  • Change Regular Price
  • Change Sale Price
  • Stock-In-Trade Report
  • Most Spending Users Report (function is done, optimized to ≈ 10 seconds tested with 5000 orders, CSS is done.)
  • Most Ordering Users Report (function is done, optimized to ≈10 seconds tested with 5000 orders, CSS is done.)
  • Most Reviewing Users Report (function is done, optimized to ≈5 seconds tested with 500 reviews, CSS is done.)
  • Most Selling Products Report (function is done, optimized to ≈15 seconds tested with 5000 orders, CSS is done.)
  • Most Used Coupons Report (function is done, optimized to ≈15 seconds tested with 5000 orders, CSS is done.)
  • Separate functions for advanced reports
  • Regular Price Change Log
  • Sale Price Change Log


  • Checkboxes for multiple selection to apply a change (stock, regular price or sale price)
  • Percentage entry for regular price and sale price
  • Hide/Show Product
  • Remember the form selection after submit
  • Feedback option in the plugins page (concerning advance reports generation time problems)


  • First release of plugin will be published on Wordpress soon.