
A mini STUN client in C++ that supports XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS

Primary LanguageC++


asio-miniSTUN is a MINI (read: incomplete) STUN client designed to simply fetch an IP per RFC 5389


asio-miniSTUN was designed for standalone asio but should work with boost::asio with the CMake or define AMS_USE_BOOST, although the compatibility has not been tested. If you do use it for boost::asio, kindly make a PR with any type aliasing that needs to happen to make it work.

asio-miniSTUN requires a C++20 compiler


asio-miniSTUN comes with one simple function - async_get_address. It comes with the signature DEDUCED(asio::ip::udp::socket& local_socket, const asio::ip::udp::endpoint& stun_endpoint, CompletionToken), which uses a local UDP socket and STUN endpoint to perform a XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS request. An example is provided.