A Twitter bot about trending papers on https://paperswithcode.com/
Twitter link: https://twitter.com/PapersTrending
A cron job is running every day, calling the main.py script. It calls scraper.py to scrap the trending page on PaperWithCode. The scraped data is formatted as a string and then tweeted using twitterBot.py.
This repo can be reuse as a starting point to make a simple twitter bot. Inside main.py, you'll call your scraping or any information calculations, retrieval you want. You'll format the informations to create a tweet, and then use the Twitter class to connect and update your status.
To run, type:
python main.py
- Head to https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps and click 'Create an app'.
Note: You must be enrolled as a developper to do that
- Fill in the different fields (app name, descrption, etc...)
- Once you're done, you'll see your app listed. Head to the details and to the 'Keys and tokens' tab.
- Copy the keys to corresponding fields in twitterBot.py
- (Optional) Under 'Persmissions', make sure you have read and write if you want to tweet status update
See the requirements.txt file or simply run
pip install -r requirements.txt