
YOLOv3 for digit recognition

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

YOLOv3 digits

A YOLOv3 based digits detector. Based on the amazing work of qqwweee



The Street View House Numbers (SVHN) dataset is used for transfer learning.

SVHN example images

From the website we see that there are : "73257 digits for training, 26032 digits for testing, and 531131 additional, somewhat less difficult samples, to use as extra training data"

Annotations PASCAL format: https://github.com/penny4860/svhn-voc-annotation-format

Annotations PASCAL format AND txt format (ready for training) http://download939.mediafire.com/ouwinissq9ng/ydg1i5qbm27mdax/annotations.tar.xz

cd <path_to_repo_root>/data/
wget http://download939.mediafire.com/ouwinissq9ng/ydg1i5qbm27mdax/annotations.tar.xz
tar -xf annotations.tar.xz
rm annotations.tar.xz


Quick Start

  1. Download YOLOv3 weights from YOLO website.
  2. Convert the Darknet YOLO model to a Keras model.
  3. Run YOLO detection.
wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights
python convert.py yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights model_data/yolo.h5
python yolo_video.py [OPTIONS...] --image, for image detection mode, OR
python yolo_video.py [video_path] [output_path (optional)]

For Tiny YOLOv3, just do in a similar way, just specify model path and anchor path with --model model_file and --anchors anchor_file.


Use --help to see usage of yolo_video.py:

usage: yolo_video.py [-h] [--model MODEL] [--anchors ANCHORS]
                     [--classes CLASSES] [--gpu_num GPU_NUM] [--image]
                     [--input] [--output]

positional arguments:
  --input        Video input path
  --output       Video output path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --model MODEL      path to model weight file, default model_data/yolo.h5
  --anchors ANCHORS  path to anchor definitions, default
  --classes CLASSES  path to class definitions, default
  --gpu_num GPU_NUM  Number of GPU to use, default 1
  --image            Image detection mode, will ignore all positional arguments

  1. MultiGPU usage: use --gpu_num N to use N GPUs. It is passed to the Keras multi_gpu_model().


  1. Generate your own annotation file and class names file.
    One row for one image;
    Row format: image_file_path box1 box2 ... boxN;
    Box format: x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max,class_id (no space).
    For VOC dataset, try python voc_annotation.py
    Here is an example:

    path/to/img1.jpg 50,100,150,200,0 30,50,200,120,3
    path/to/img2.jpg 120,300,250,600,2
  2. Make sure you have run python convert.py -w yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights model_data/yolo_weights.h5
    The file model_data/yolo_weights.h5 is used to load pretrained weights.

  3. Modify train.py and start training.
    python train.py
    Use your trained weights or checkpoint weights with command line option --model model_file when using yolo_video.py Remember to modify class path or anchor path, with --classes class_file and --anchors anchor_file.

If you want to use original pretrained weights for YOLOv3:
1. wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/darknet53.conv.74
2. rename it as darknet53.weights
3. python convert.py -w darknet53.cfg darknet53.weights model_data/darknet53_weights.h5
4. use model_data/darknet53_weights.h5 in train.py


  • Convert .mat file to txt for YOLO
  • [] Transfer learning on digits
  • [] Add mAP to the projects for evaluation
  • [] Prune the network
  • [] Quantize the network
  • [] Convert to tf