Türkiye Weather Forecast App

This application is developed to display a week-long weather forecast for all cities in Türkiye. It's built using React and Context API. OpenWeather API is used to access weather data.


  • The application is built using React and Context API.
  • Weather data is fetched through OpenWeather API or any preferred API.
  • Upon initial page load, weather information for a chosen city is displayed by default.
  • If the user grants location access, weather information for the user's current location is displayed.
  • The current day is highlighted with a specific background and border.
  • Each card displaying the days includes the day's name, weather condition icon (sunny, rainy, snowy, partly cloudy), and the highest and lowest temperatures.
  • Access to different cities' weather reports is enabled through a dropdown menu.


  1. Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/MrEmin/patika-fimple-task-5.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd patika-fimple-task-5
  3. Install required packages: npm install


  1. Inside the project directory, start the application: npm run dev
  2. View the application in your browser by going to http://localhost:5173/.
  3. Weather information will be displayed upon initial page load or upon granting location permission.
  4. Select a different city from the dropdown menu to view its weather report.

Live Project

The live version of this project can be accessed here.


Additional Information

This project has been developed using the OpenWeather API. You might need to add your API key to the .env file. Please refer to the API documentation for more information.