Contact List:


Build four components:

  1. A ContactCollection component that loads existing contacts from storage, and saves new ones. Each new contact should have an auto-generated identifier.
  2. A Contact component that displays a person's name, phone number, and address.
  3. A ContactList component that displays all contacts. It should import the Contact component and the ContactCollection component.
  4. A ContactForm component that, when filled out and a submit button is pressed, adds a new contact to storage. It should import the ContactCollection component.
  5. In main.js, import the ContactList component and the ContactForm component.
  • The user should see the contact form at the top of the view, and the list of contacts underneath it.

Currently Working On:

  • Styles

Remaining Features:

Stretch Goals:

Completed Features:

  • Contact form
    • Clear entry form on submit
    • when submitted, adds a new contact to storage
      • should import the ContactCollection component
  • Import ContactList and ContactForm into main.js (browserify)
  • Contact list
    • displays all contacts by importing the collection of contact components
  • ContactCollection (database)
    • Loads existing contacts from storage
    • Saves new contacts
  • Web app should show contact form at the top of the page and display the list of contacts underneath the form
  • Contact (entity, see data structure)

Data Structure:

  • Contact
    • auto-generated identifier
    • name
    • phone number
    • address

To run

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. From the command line, cd into the /src directory.
  3. Type grunt into the command line.
  4. Open a second terminal and cd into the /src directory.
  5. Type hs -o into the command line.