Django Music History

An app to practice using Django's modeling and templating features.

Still Required:

  • Get views working
  • Create form for adding album to database
  • Write a URL conf, view, and template for viewing album data in a list
  • Use a form model for the form, use class-based view with methods that return the data you want to bind to the template
  • Get the templates that don't extend index.html working correctly
  • Write tests for the songs model/functionality
  • Add functionality for genres
  • Write tests for genres

Currently Working On:

  • Build views for my models

Already Done:

  • Build models for Artist, Song, Album, and Genre

To Run

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. From the command line, cd into the root directory (wherever the file is located).
  3. Type python runserver into the command line.
  4. Open a web browser and navigate to