Home Inventory Database

A list of some interesting things in my house, pulled from a JSON database.


Currently Working On:

Remaining Features:

Stretch Goals:

Completed features:

  • refactor again to get card formatting more styleable:
    • Make the "name" component an h element
    • print the item key for location elements (or rewrite the database)
    • add a container around each card
  • interface to filter stuff by category
  • refactor for component factory
  • Load stuff to database in local storage
  • Display items on the DOM
  • styles
    • Make cards a uniform size
    • Choose better colors, but keep it to one color for each type of stuff
    • Make the text on the cards more clearly formatted so you can tell what it is

To run

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. From the command line, cd into the directory.
  3. Type hs -o into the command line.