This repository is for Student produced STEM projects at PSHS.

Primary LanguageC#

Welcome to PSHS STEM Projects

This repository is meant to assist students to learn good coding practise whilst working on STEM projects at PSHS.

Setup Arduino

Download Arduino from: www.arduino.cc https://www.arduino.cc/download_handler.php Install, Run

Setup ESP32/8266

If you are developing using the ESP32 or ESP8266 WiFi enabled micro...

  • First install Arduino Dev Environment

As per instructions from: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/installing-the-esp32-board-in-arduino-ide-windows-instructions/ add 2 Additional board manager URL's into the file->preferences menu.


In Tools->Boards->Boards manager menu, search for and install the ESP modules you are going to use.

Install critical Arduino libraries.

Download and install GIT Desktop

When you want to work on a project you will have to download the project, the GIT Desktop is the best way to be able to update your changes. Don't worry about breaking things, we can always look back at an older version. Do try to only upload changes that at least compile without error. Make small changes and commit/push often.

How to get involved?

Contact Mr Houweling either via email or in person.