It'will contain something I have learned
Enjoy it!
It contains some data structure based on C
It's an Library Management System based on C
A simulation for the buses ( with an animation, but I didn't show it as a demo)
A big assignment in my Java course
a guider for Chinese Nine Chain of Rings game
In this program, I use some algorithms and create a class Date What you can do?
- Create a date object with a date
- Use some functions and you will know the days between any two dates
This program can help you to caculate some works of Date
This is a full assembly code.
An reminder: you had better to compile it in emu8086 and then run music.exe in DosBox
- emu8086 can't control the speaker in you PC machine
- You will get a lot of errors in DosBox ( if you use it to compile this program :) )
A demo for this program
This program can get you a fibonacci series and its length is depended on your input number
- space: change the base of the series
- q/Q: quit the program (only work when the series appears)
- others: restart the program
A demo for this program
Just a update for fib (support bigger M).
support three parameters
- N means f1
- I means f2
- M means length of the series
A demo for this program
- 我将所有的例题代码集成为一个文件(最后美国地图的代码过时了)
- 数据集都是自己在网上找的,原书配套的资源下载不了(不知道为什么)
- 词法分析器:flex
- 语法分析器:bison
- 辅助语言:C