
ParaView (open-source data visualization application) with Leap Motion controller via touchless interaction. Based around Python, this application allows rotation, moving view, slicing and zooming visual data through touchless interaction. Originally a graduate class project (UCSC - CMPS 261: "Advanced Visualization", Alex Pang).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Interface with 3D Data by Touchless Control via a Leap Motion Controller

##Quick Summary of Project

ParaView (open-source data visualization application) with Leap Motion controller via touchless interaction. Based around Python, this application allows rotation, moving view, slicing and zooming visual data through touchless interaction. Originally a graduate class project (UCSC - CMPS 261: "Advanced Visualization", Instructor: Alex Pang).

###Overview: Interacting with 3D data with a mouse is usally cumbersome and unnatural.
Paraview, an open source data analysis and visualization application, allows
for both programmatic interactions and mouse and keyboard interactions.
However, mouse interactivity with 3D objects and data sets can be difficult to

The limitation that one must interactive with 3D objects via a 2D interface
makes it difficult to view the data we wish. This is where a touchless, 3D
controller is useful. Intead of relying on the interpretation of projecting
the mouse onto the data set, we can interact in 3D. Allowing for one to interact with the same dimensionality as the data.

We have programmed the a Leap Motion Controller (by the company Leap Motion) to take inputs by a user's hand(s) that are interpreted into interaction of the data. Specifically, there are 4 different interactions that the user can do via the Leap Motion controller: move the view on the data, take a slice of the data, rotate the camera focused on the datam and zoom in or out with the camera.

There is also a script where we allow slicing, zooming and rotating on the same data set. These actions are called when in the view of the Leap Motion Controller there is one hand present, two hands present where each has at least two fingers extended and two hands present but one is a closed fist. There is also an "empty" action when one or two hands are closed where the controller won't interpret anything to modify the view of the data. Note that none of these actually change the data loaded, only the view or present new data ontop of the data already loaded.


###Source Code

================================================================= ###Papers Regarding Motivation for Project From UCSC's CMPS 261 (Dec. 2013) taught by Alex Pang


###User Guide

To use this code, you must have Paraview installed
specifically use of pvpython. This is a precompiled version of python. Other
versions of Python with the Paraview libraries may function, but has not been
tested. One must connect the Leap Motion Controller to their computer, and go
into the directory with the Leap Motion libraries and run one of the
test_type.py files in pvpython where "type" is describing the scripts function
(move, slice, rotate or zoom).


####Moving Data: test_move.py Demo Video

This will move the data set, interpreting the hand's position as the position of
the data in the view. This position is scaled where the origin is located just
above the controller. Note one hand must be used, but there is no requirement as
to how how many fingers need to be present.


####Slicing Data: test_slice.py Demo Video

This will perform a slice of the data set and display it on the screen. The
user's hand is sensed by the controller and interprets the hand's normal from
the palm as the normal of the slicing plane. Note that the slicing plane is
always centered at the origin of the data set.


####Rotating Data: test_rotate.py
Demo Video

This will rotate the camera about the viewing axis. This is activated by
placing two hands in front of the controller but one is a closed fist and the
the other a hand with at least two fingers present. When the user rotates their
non-closed hand, the camera will rotate in the same direction.


####Zooming Data: test_zoom.py
Demo Video

This will zoom in on the data set. It is activated by placing two hands in the
controller's view where both hands have at least two fingers present. When the
user moves his or her hands away from each other, the view will zoom into the
data. Similarly, if a user moves his or her hands toward each other, the view
will zoom outwards. Note that the user can stop zooming by closing both hands,
which defines the "empty" action and the frame will not change when the user
moves his or her hands.


####Slicing, Rotating, Zooming Data: test_total.py Demo Video

This will allow slicing, rotating and zooming in the same window. All
controls are the same as previously mentioned except that roation is
activated when two hands are present but one has no fingers present and the
other has at least two fingers present. There is also the inclusion of the
"empty" action as defined in the zooming function. This activates when two
hands are present with each presenting no fingers. This will stop updating
the view and allows for repostion of hands without changing the current