Genesis Scraper

Run Down

This program scrapes grades and sends text notifications about any changes. Was created solo by Michael Gorbunov at HackJA 2020.

Written in Python. Uses Twilio for texting (is a wrapper class so can be easily changed), and Selenium with chromedriver for scraping. Scraping is specific to the Genesis online gradebook, which is what my district uses (unlike Canvas, no API).

To run this, you must hardcode credentials for Twilio, but Genesis credentials are taken at runtime. This repo uses version 80 of chromedriver.

Testing Locally

Grades don't change often enough to really be testable. For this reason, there is a Genesis-sourced .htm file in the repo. To scrape from it instead of the online Genesis, go to and change the following:

comment out line 97, d.login(getpass.getPass(), getpass.getPass())

change line 24 .getData() to .getDataFrom("LocalGenesis.htm)



delay: Specifies the internal between scrapes. Parses one letter which can be S, M, H, D, or W corresponding to seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks

sentimental messages: Adds a little message to the end of texts depending on the change in grades since last text

recap mode: Instead sending only updates, will send all grades showing their change from last text. Implied that delay should be high (1 W), because it texts with every scrape


Stores messages to be sent based on change in grades. Will only be used if sentimental messages is turned on.


The data from the last scrape, stored in json for far easier parsing.