
Example of Telegram bot that can receive payments in TON

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

TON payments Telegram Bot Example

Example of Telegram bot that can recieve payments in TON.

All sources are in src directory

src/bot.py is a program to run Telegram bot

src/config.py is a config file

src/db.py is a module to interact with sqlite3 database

src/ton.py is a module to handle payments in TON


You need to complete 4 simple steps to set up and run the bot

1. Clone repository:

git clone https://github.com/Gusarich/ton-bot-example.git
cd ton-bot-example

2. Install PyPi packages

pip install -r requirements.txt
# or
poetry install

3. Configure the bot

Open file src/config.py and enter your Bot token, Deposit address and Toncenter API key.

You can also switch between Mainnet and Testnet there by changing RUN_IN_MAINNET to True or False

4. Run the bot

python src/bot.py
# or
poetry run python3 src/bot.py