Pinned issues
- 1
The energy from capacitors does not go out
#304 opened by MineDragonCZ - 1
- 4
Incompatibility with Advanced Rocketry
#334 opened by ItsAslan - 1
Pegasus Incoming Wormhole Sound Bug
#333 opened by Onyx1128 - 0
Pegasus Dial sound after incoming wormhole
#332 opened by Onyx1128 - 3
Can't dial back Orlin's gate
#330 opened by nawrhehe - 4
- 1
Crash when interacting with pegasus gate
#328 opened by IronmanVeronika - 1
- 1
New Chevron sequencing
#324 opened by DeathToCountry - 1
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 3
Question: How do install these github files
#322 opened by captinwill - 2
- 1
Having beamer connect thru gate instantly crashes
#306 opened by captinwill - 4
Opencoputes tor adresen finden
#315 opened by leonLuskow - 16
Capacitor crashing server
#314 opened by VirgilCore - 0
- 9
Power not drawn until gate is closed (investigate)
#303 opened by Manglefan - 0
Suggestion: Un-select glyphs on DHD
#319 opened by VoxelTek - 9
Crash on Orlin's gate rendering
#316 opened by slava110 - 0
Albedo support
#317 opened by slava110 - 2
- 4
- 0
- 2
List all stargates in world?
#301 opened by VoxelTek - 3
Improvement of the dial universe.
#299 opened by HDL34 - 2
Can't create new world
#297 opened by kungstoffe08 - 4
- 4
bug capacitor wit universe gate in the last alpha mod
#298 opened by HDL34 - 8
Better portals incompatibility
#295 opened by VoxelTek - 17
Can't start it up
#294 opened by kungstoffe08 - 5
Bug: Capacitor instantly gets empty in Multiplayer
#296 opened by thevicraft - 0
[ENH] Power sources
#291 opened by ookamidev - 3
Capacitor draining instantly
#293 opened by ConnorVex - 2
[ENH/BUG] Gate dialing
#292 opened by ookamidev - 1
- 7
bug collection
#288 opened by Cronosus - 0
[ENH] Open iris with correct code
#290 opened by ookamidev - 2
ENH rings distance
#289 opened by Cronosus - 7
Beamer crash - latest alpha
#285 opened by TheRedCreations - 0
Naqaudah ore should drop XP
#286 opened by MrJake222 - 0
- 0
- 1
bug- gate in river
#279 opened by Cronosus - 0
- 0
Aged texture missing symbol5_aged
#281 opened by MrJake222 - 0
DHD not dropping biome override blocks
#280 opened by MrJake222