Free roam is one of the officially supported gamemodes for New Vegas Multiplayer. It does serverside saving, and incorporates faction base capturing.
This gamemode relies on the game server having read access to via OAuth to forum account details to retrieve faction. This means the server instance must have a developer issued authentication token to retrieve forum data.
You must also have an instance of MySQL to build the nvmp.sql file. Import the file into your MySQL server, and follow the setup instructions inside database_config.lua.example.
- Authentication token given by NV:MP Team for server config (set auth_token in server.cfg)
Clone the repository to your lua/gamemodes folder under "freeroam".
Inside lua/init.lua, remove any "LoadGamemode" lines at the bottom of the file. Add a new line with the following:
- Jak Brierley - Initial gamemode developer - Silentfood
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details