
No Icon in window list (Linux Mint 18.3)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

mihi4 commented

Please ask questions ("how do I...?") on the forum, not by filing issues.

Make concrete suggestions for fixing the code ("here is a patch") by filing
a pull request, not an issue.


Describe the problem or suggestion here.

Expected behavior: To see the Natron icon in the window list (Linux)

Actual behavior: No icon shown

Looks like the file "natron_logo.png" is missing in 2.3.8's root directory. Since I had a backup of the 2.3.7 directory, after copying the file to 2.3.8, the icon is showing.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. [First Step]
  2. [Second Step]
  3. [and so on...]

You may submit a link to any screenshots/videos that can be used to understand how to reproduce the issue.


  • Natron version/commit 2.3.8
  • OS version: Linux Mint 18.3

can you please be more specific? I have no problem on my system (Ubuntu 16.04)

  • which version did you download (portable or installer)
  • where did you install it?
  • what was the full path of the missing file?

BTW, all the versions are archived on sourceforge in case you ever need an older version

mihi4 commented

Hi, Frederic!
First, thx a lot for all the work you're doing on Natron, and sorry for being too unspecific.

  • which version did you download (portable or installer
    Linux installer, 64bit

  • where did you install it?

-what was the full path of the missing file?
it's directly in the install root directory, /home/michi/bin/Natron2/natron_logo.png

It was missing in the 2.3.8 installation, but available in the 2.3.7.

I just backupped it to keep my plugins available, just in case... :)

This issue was moved to NatronGitHub/Natron#243