
No Icon in window list (Linux Mint 18.3)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

From @mihi4 on March 27, 2018 7:26

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Describe the problem or suggestion here.

Expected behavior: To see the Natron icon in the window list (Linux)

Actual behavior: No icon shown

Looks like the file "natron_logo.png" is missing in 2.3.8's root directory. Since I had a backup of the 2.3.7 directory, after copying the file to 2.3.8, the icon is showing.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. [First Step]
  2. [Second Step]
  3. [and so on...]

You may submit a link to any screenshots/videos that can be used to understand how to reproduce the issue.


  • Natron version/commit 2.3.8
  • OS version: Linux Mint 18.3

Copied from original issue: MrKepzie/Natron#1745

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can you please be more specific? I have no problem on my system (Ubuntu 16.04)

  • which version did you download (portable or installer)
  • where did you install it?
  • what was the full path of the missing file?

BTW, all the versions are archived on sourceforge in case you ever need an older version

From @mihi4 on March 28, 2018 7:4

Hi, Frederic!
First, thx a lot for all the work you're doing on Natron, and sorry for being too unspecific.

  • which version did you download (portable or installer
    Linux installer, 64bit

  • where did you install it?

-what was the full path of the missing file?
it's directly in the install root directory, /home/michi/bin/Natron2/natron_logo.png

It was missing in the 2.3.8 installation, but available in the 2.3.7.

I just backupped it to keep my plugins available, just in case... :)

@rodlie can you check if this is fixed? should be easy

The icon works fine on Linux.